L. Hao, B. Huang*, B. Jia and G. Mao, “Heterogeneous Dual-Attentional Network for WiFi and Video-Fused Multi-modal Crowd Counting”, accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (CCF Rank A)
H. Gong, B. Huang* and B. Jia, “Energy-Efficient 3-D UAV Ground Node Accessing Using the Minimum Number of UAVs”, accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (CCF Rank A)
L. Hao, B. Huang*, B. Jia and G. Mao,“On the Fine-grained Crowd Analysis via Passive WiFi Sensing”,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 23(6):6697 - 6711, June 2024. (CCF Rank A)
X. Li, B. Huang*, B. Jia, Y. Gao and J. Qiao,“MAS-DSO: Advancing Direct Sparse Odometry with Multi-Attention Saliency”, accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024. (SCI一区 IF 9.551)
Z. Xu, B. Huang*, B. Jia and G. Mao,“Enhancing WiFi Fingerprinting Localization Through a Co-teaching Approach using Crowdsourced Sequential RSS and IMU Data”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,11(2):3550-3562, January 2024. (SCI一区 IF 10.6)
B. Jia, Z. Gao, J. Jing, B. Huang, and etc., “Coverage Path Planning for IoUAVs With Tiny Machine Learning in Complex Areas Based On Convex Decomposition”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,11(12):21103-21111, June 2024. (SCI一区 IF 10.6)
R. Yang, B. Huang*, Z. Xu, B. Jia and G. Xu, “Towards Accurate Smartphone Localization Using CSI Measurements”, The Computer Journal, 67(4):1361-1369, 2024. (CCF Rank B)
W. Shi, Tao Zhang B. Huang and B. Jia, “Enhancing AOA Estimation via Phase Modeling of Bluetooth 5 CTE Signals”, IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.8811-8815, April 2024. (CCF Rank B)
W. Shi, B. Huang and B. Jia, “SCRN: A Spectrogram Convolutional Recurrent Network for AOA Estimation using Bluetooth 5”, IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.7490-7494, April 2024. (CCF Rank B)
L. Hao, B. Huang*, B. Jia, G. Xu and G. Mao,“Toward Accurate Crowd Counting in Large Surveillance Areas Based on Passive WiFi Sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(12):14086-14096,December 2023. (SCI一区 IF 9.551)
W. Chang, B. Huang*, B. Jia, W. Li and G. Xu,“Online Public Transit Ridership Monitoring through Passive WiFi Sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(7):7025-7034, July 2023. (SCI一区 IF 9.551)
H. Gong, B. Huang, B. Jia*, and H. Dai,“Modelling Power Consumptions for Multi-rotor UAVs”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59(6):7409-7422,December 2023. (SCI二区 IF 4.4)
L. Hao, B. Huang*, B. Jia and G. Mao, “DHCLoc: A Device Heterogeneity Tolerant and Channel Adaptive Passive WiFi Localization Method Based on DNN”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(7):4863-4874, April 2022. (SCI一区 IF 10.238)
R. Yang, J. Song, B. Huang*, W. Li and G. Qi,“An Energy-Efficient Step-Counting Algorithm for Smartphones”, The Computer Journal, 65 (3), 689-700, 2022. (CCF Rank B)
W. Shi, B. Huang* and K. Sun, “A CRLB Analysis of AoA Estimation Using Bluetooth 5”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 5158-5162, May 2022. (CCF Rank B)
B. Huang*, G. Mao, Y. Qin and Y. Wei, “Pedestrian Flow Estimation Through Passive WiFi Sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 20(4):1529-1542, April 2021. (CCF Rank A)
Z. Xu, B. Huang* and B. Jia, “An Efficient Radio Map Learning Scheme based on Kernel Density Function”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.70, No.12, pp.13315-13324, December 2021. (SCI二区 IF 5.379)
B. Huang, R. Yang, B. Jia*, W. Li and G. Mao, "A Theoretical Analysis on Sampling Size in WiFi Fingerprint-based Localization", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.70, No.4, pp.3599-3608, April 2021. (SCI二区 IF 5.379)
P. Duan, G. Mao, J. Kang and B. Huang*, “Estimation of Link Travel Time Distribution with Limited Traffic Detectors”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.21, No.9, pp.3730-3743, September 2020. (SCI一区 IF 5.744)
Y. Tian, B. Huang*, B. Jia and L. Zhao, “Optimizing AP and Beacon Placement in WiFi and BLE hybrid localization”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.164, No.102673, pp.1-11, 2020. (SCI二区 IF 5.57)
B. Huang, Z. Xu, B. Jia* and G. Mao, “An Online Radio Map Update Scheme for WiFi Fingerprint-based Localization”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(4):6909-6918, 2019. (SCI一区 IF 9.515)
Z. Xu, B. Huang*, B. Jia and W. Li, “Online Radio Map Update Based on a Marginalized Particle Gaussian Process”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 4369-4373, Brighton, UK, 2019. (CCF Rank B)
B. Huang, M. Liu, Z. Xu and B. Jia, “On the performance analysis of WiFi based localization”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 4369-4373, Calgary, Canada, 2018. (CCF Rank B)
B. Huang, G. Qi, X. Yang, L. Zhao, and H. Zou, “Exploiting Cyclic Features of Walking for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning with Unconstrained Smartphones”, the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2016), pp.374-385, Sep. 12-16, Heidelberg, Germany, 2016. (CCF Rank A)
H. Zou, B. Huang*, X. Lu, H. Jiang and L. Xie, "A Robust Indoor Positioning System based on the Procrustes Analysis and Weighted Extreme Learning Machine", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.15, No.2, pp.1252-1266, 2016. (SCI二区 IF 4.951)
B. Huang*, L. Xie, Z. Yang, “TDOA-based Source Localization with Distance-dependent Noises”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.14, No.1, pp.468-480, 2015. (SCI二区 IF 4.951)
B. Huang, C. Yu* and B.D.O. Anderson, “Understanding Error Propagation in Multi-hop Sensor Network Localization”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.90, No.12, pp.5811-5819, Dec. 2013. (SCI一区 IF 7.168)
B. Huang, T. Li, B.D.O. Anderson and C. Yu*, “Performance Limits in Sensor Localization”, Automatica, Vol. 49, No.2, pp. 503-509, Feb. 2013. (SCI一区 IF 5.451)
B. Huang, C. Yu* and B.D.O. Anderson, “Analyzing Localization Errors in One-Dimensional Sensor Networks”, Signal Processing, Vol. 92, No.2, pp. 427-438, Feb. 2012. (SCI二区 IF 3.11)
B. Huang, C. Yu and B.D.O. Anderson, “On the Rate of Error Propagation in Multihop Range-based Localization”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 2850-2853, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2010. (CCF Rank B)
Yunzhou Bai(2024,学硕)
Xiudu Li(2024,学硕)
Tiankai Song(2024,专硕)
Chenyang Yin(2024,专硕)
Jiaqing Li(2024,专硕)
Shuai Zhang(2023,学硕)
Fuyao Wang(2023,学硕)
Jianan Zhou(2023,专硕)
Jing Guo(2023,专硕)
Yimin Zhao(2023,专硕)
Jiaxin Du(2022,学硕)
Weibin Jiang(2022,学硕)
Huan Yang(2022,专硕;硕博连读,太阳成集团tyc33455cc博士生)
Ying Zhang(2022,专硕)
Zibo Zhao(2022,专硕)
Bo Chi(2022,专硕)
Rui Guo(2021,学硕;太阳成集团tyc33455cc)
Jintao Qiao(2021,学硕)
Tao Zhang(2021,学硕;硕博连读,太阳成集团tyc33455cc博士生)
Zhen Fan(2021,专硕;内蒙古电力)
Xu Zhang(2021,专硕;鄂尔多斯教体局)
Weijing Sang(2020,学硕;中国银行)
Zhaoyan Zhang(2020,学硕;公务员)
Lin Su (2020,专硕;国企)
Kai Yu(2020,专硕;中国银行)
Le Qi(2020,专硕;国土资源厅)
Xinyu Yang(2019, 学硕)
Jing Ning(2019, 学硕;鄂尔多斯教体局)
Zijia Kong(2019, 专硕;呼市烟草)
Wenbo Chang(2019, 专硕;太阳成集团tyc33455cc博士生)
Hao Hong(2019, 专硕;科大讯飞)
Wentao Shi(2018, 学硕;硕博连读,太阳成集团tyc33455cc博士生)
Xiaomeng Li(2018, 学硕;中国农业大学博士生)
Xiangyu Li(2018, 专硕;自治区奖学金;太阳成集团tyc33455cc博士生)
Chaowei Zhang(2018, 专硕;内蒙古电力)
Shifeng Du(2017, 学硕;美团)
Zhendong Xu(2017, 学硕;硕博连读,太阳成集团tyc33455cc博士生)
Yu Tian (2017, 专硕;优秀毕业论文;第十二届中国研究生电子设计竞赛英特尔企业奖三等奖;大连理工大学博士生)
Runze Yang(2017, 专硕;太阳成集团tyc33455cc博士生)
Hongbo Li(2017, 专硕;优秀毕业论文;包头农发行)
Jushang Shen(2016, 学硕;自治区奖学金;内蒙古电力)
Xiaomin Kang(2016, 学硕;国家奖学金;自治区级、校级优秀毕业论文;内蒙古电力)
Minmin Liu(2016, 学硕;国家奖学金;西安交通大学博士生)
Jingpeng Wang(2016, 专硕;包头银监局)
Jian Song(2015, 学硕;京东)
Qingwei Duan(2015, 学硕;鄂尔多斯市教育局)
Wang Liao(2015, 专硕;IBM)
Rongkai Wu(2015, 专硕;北京四维图新)
Qing Miao(2014, 学硕;国家奖学金;自治区优秀毕业生;优秀毕业论文;天津大学博士生)
Guodong Qi(2014, 学硕;国家奖学金;第十二届全国研究生数学建模大赛三等奖;自治区优秀毕业生;自治区级、校级优秀毕业论文;北京国网信通产业集团)
Lei Qin(2014, 专硕;内蒙古电子信息研究所)
Hongyan Wang(2014, 专硕;河南周口市供电局)
Hialong Zhao(2013, 学硕;自治区优秀毕业生;自治区级、校级优秀毕业论文;工商银行总行软开)
Xiaokun Yang(2013, 学硕;公务员)
Wenye Meng(2012, 学硕;国家奖学金;自治区优秀毕业生;优秀毕业论文;乌兰察布职业学院)